Friday, May 15, 2009

Cary Grant Is Apparently My Lover

Cary Grant has officially taken over my dreams.

Now he certainly isn't unwelcome, but the thing is this: my dreams put me in very weird situations. Therefore, it's a bit weird to brag that Cary visits me in my dream(s) when explaining why he was there/what he did in the dream is a bit of an awkward proposition.

However, for the sake of this blog and my own memory and the fact that I can rarely recall dreams this well (yes, this is WELL), I will attempt to recount the dream in question.

The bones of it are as follows. Random bits I can't place may or may not come later.

I do not know what Dream Self was thinking when she decided to associated herself with Mr. Grant as his... It's difficult to say, really. I know I was involved with him somehow romantically, but it was inferred rather than demonstrated. I was at some sort of convention or group with some friends, and we were all comparing tattoos. Apparently we all had tattoos marking how many love interests we'd had.

I had just gotten my first tattoo. You know, for Cary. This is kind of embarassing. It was on my left upper arm, and I think it had a '1' on it. After this comparison, I believe Cary showed up and we went out to his car.

Then, I kid you not, he broke the news that he was going to die soon. Which was just great, because I'd gotten the tattoo and OH NO now he was dying, what's the point... bla bla bla. I don't think I said this, but I get the distinct feeling my main concern was the tattoo.

How he knew he was going to die is beyond me- maybe he realized he was already dead and wanted to break it to me gently. Maybe he had been diagnosed with something. I really don't know.

There may have been something after this, but I can't remember it. It sounds like a lot less when it's written out like this, but it seemed longer at the time. It's frustrating- I love having dreams. It actually kind of upsets me that I rarely remember them well.

I think my head is going through my idols, because I totally had a dream I met John Green in a bookstore last week. I wasn't romantically involved with him, though. That would be really weird.

Not that Mr. Grant appearing as my 'companion' wasn't.

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