Saturday, June 4, 2011

Final goodbyes.

Friday, June 3rd, 2011
The goodbyes I face on my last day of work are some of the most difficult things I have ever encountered. My first, deaf boss says goodbye with a "be careful" and "come back and see me"; the sweet English teacher I've grown to know offers her phone number; Ye Old Initials, my English teacher, says "good luck, kid" and we hug. The teacher who coordinates the work program stops by the library to say goodbye; I want to cry. The minutes march past as I shred papers and count change. Another boss, another hug, another promise to keep in touch.

Soon it's time to leave. Goodbye to my last boss, then the head librarian as words I will not remember later jumble together.

I leave the library in tears.

I may repeat and repeat these words until they lose meaning, but working in my school's library for the past nine months has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

There aren't words enough to express my gratitude.


  1. Oh man<3
    I'm glad you got to have such a brilliant job and stuff. I love you. :)
