Thursday, March 3, 2011

I've lost touch.

There are gaps in what I have and haven't told you. In most cases I simply don't say anything. I try to find words, but instead they swim; I want to find eloquence. Beyond that, I feel selfish and awkward repeating my problems, no matter how I try to rationalize it otherwise.

I've decided on a college. Things are going... they're going. I'm antsy and terrified and excited. High school trudges along at a fastslowfastslow pace I have little time left to master.

The puzzle pieces don't fit. And good or bad, in some ways I've stopped trying to make sense of them.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Katherine<3

    Just so you know, I wouldn't mind reading about your problems over and over again in excruciating detail!!!

    Also: the puzzle pieces never seem to freaking fit. >:| But that is OKAY, because who needs puzzles anyway. We'll just go play Scrabble or Monopoly or something! Take THAT, puzzle.
