"'We're going to have such a marvelous time,' he whispered to Elspeth, who looked up at him and said, 'Yes.'
He was thinking of life; she of Australia."
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones
Alexander McCall Smith
It occurs to me, as I munch popcorn and iTunes shuffles its way through my music library (hello, Oklahoma! soundtrack, I had forgotten you existed), that blogs do not write themselves.
Knowledge for you, there.
My wife is currently changing clothing as we FaceTime; I have a nice view of the ceiling of a hotel room to gaze at until she returns, and the conversation of late has revolved around the fact that I am, for some unknown reason, completely straight.
To be filed under Things that make only slightly more sense in context.
Now she is gone. Sadly. Running commentary! What next? Will I venture off to find caffeine in the annals of the kitchen, a whole ten feet from my person? Will a random dance party ensue? Will the cat, master of the attack, find his way into the workings of my desk area and pounce upon my feet once more?
12:02! 12:03! 12:04! The cat attacks the paper bag near my desk and skitters off in shock, soon returning to find revenge. The bag crumples as he enters the depths.

12:18! John texts me; he can't sleep, and I'm still wired.
12:33! TiredKatherine looms. She shakes her head, blinks away the sleep. She smiles as she spins in circles around me, finding light where there is a dull brand of darkness. Hi, she says. Fancy seeing you here.
12:48! Hi, she says, hi. Hi. Hi! Can we watch Tangled again? I stare at her.
12:50! John sends me a photo of a turtle. I stare at it for three full minutes before turning back to the computer screen.
12:51! Laurel, who has long been sitting in my Skype Box, discovers that she has yet to don pajamas. Neither have I. We make the best of life choices.
12:56! Hi, probes TiredKatherine, leaning in close to my face. Her eyes are wide. We should really look up the capital of Hungary. Or! You got Realm of Possibility in the mail! Remember that?!!! Please please please can we read it?
1:01! I type and fiddle with my phone as a coffee mug rests precariously atop my head. It falls; I catch it; my breath catches. I really like my coffee mug, despite the fact that I have never consumed coffee from it.
1:06! What exactly are you doing with your life?
1:07! You tell me, TiredKatherine. You tell me.
1:08! You suck.
1:09! ...
Lmao, I love you Katherine.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Tangled is a really good movie.
I think TiredKatherine and TiredManar would be bffs.
HAHAHA, Hankroll'd by Katherine! ...I secretly enjoy being Hankroll'd. That video NEVER gets old.
ReplyDeleteCaptcha: Huglysia. It's like the fields of Elysium... but with HUGS. Maybe it's not like that at all. I'm going to pretend it is.