Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/1

In April of 2009, with the encouragement of the ravishing Maureen Johnson and the many others who followed suit, I participated in BEDA, or Blog Every Day April. I would be lying to you if I said I haven't been looking forward to doing it again. In fact, my excitement over the whole idea is at an almost embarrassing level. So despite the fact that the Great Jar Mother will not be going forward with Blog Every Day August this year (I can only assume it changed months because it is categorically awesome that way), I will attempt. The keyword here being, of course, "attempt." My blogging skills are far from refined and my thoughts are in a constantly scattered state, leaving me to journal privately as to not alarm the masses with my crazy.

Yet here we are. Welcome. I may very well be the only one to read or appreciate this, which--really--wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen in this world. As I say, my mad blogging skills aren't up to any sort of par. I may be a ninja, but I still have a lot of training to do.

This is the part where I tell you EXCITING THINGS and then babble about how I wish my words would just fit together as I wish they would. I have many thoughts--skeins and skeins of them, by the handful and bucket and butterfly net and what-have-you. They exist, yet to make them permanent and whole in the written word is not something I will ever master. Which, you know, isn't my favorite thing. I love writing, dearly, but for all that I love about it it is destined to drive me crazy.

Possibly all conjecture. My thoughts exist, yes, but this doesn't mean that they are rational or righteous or golden. They keep me company, and that is something I would usually apologize for. Not today. Not at this particular moment, anyway. I apologize a lot, quite often just to myself.

Well, I am on a grand adventure in the form of a youth group lock-in this evening. I am not social. We'll see how this goes! News and actual life information (you're welcome, stalkers) tomorrow, hopefully?

Ta da! Ninjas and confetti forever and things.


  1. Lol "Great Jar Mother" = the best.

    And I love your writing style. :) It's entertaining and pretty!

  2. I love the name. @ratherclumsy of Twitter came up with it and I find it hilarious. Thank you so much! I am over the moon. And smiling. And things. :):)
