Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/22

In glorious fashion, I just finished reading my required summer reading. The night before school starts. In my defense, we weren't given notice of this reading until several months of summer had gone by, but this might have happened anyway. Frankenstein. Well written, definitely, and engrossing... but I still couldn't get into it. It was interesting, yet it somehow bored me. My attempt to read one hundred books this year is not going swimmingly.

My thoughts are going fuzzy and I need to ready my belongings for tomorrow. I just wrote the world's worst email to my sister (at heart) and I feel bad about it. At this particular moment I feel rather a lot like The World's Biggest Fail. Which I know I'm not. But school is scary and I have things to worry about and ahhh. I am also vastly behind on my BEDA buddies' blogs, which I do intend to rectify eventually. I have no clue what my schedule is going to be like regarding work. Well, I have a vague idea. But at this point my thoughts are going: "you can't work! You're an idiot! You're horrible with people! They'll hate you! You'll die! You'll screw up!"

Which I suppose isn't true. But that's my head for you. Love you bunches, all.


  1. It's annoying how often our own heads can work against us sometimes, isn't it?

    Remember - you've got all of us here in MAAAAAGICAL INTERWEBZ LAND cheering you on <3

  2. Too often I blurt out whatever comes to mind. It rarely goes well.

    I HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Because I am posting this on your first day of school.

  3. I always end up finishing things at the last minute. No matter how hard I try to plan and be organized, the final touches never seem to go on until the night before. Sigh.

    100 Books! You CAN do it! I request a list of your progress. Lists are good motivational tools. Or, you can just wait until December 31, and read 95 books in one go. Last minute, win!

    Also...behind on BEDA buddies' blogs? ...yeah. *sheepish*
