Friday, August 6, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/6

This window has been sitting open for hours, and I have been skillfully ignoring it. As was the case yesterday, I have nothing of particular interest to say. We picked up my GPA this afternoon. Maybe this is horrifically whiny/immature, but my 97.6563 (3.9) is somewhat disappointing. In my state, if you're in the top ten percent of your class, you're automatically accepted into all public universities. While I don't yet know my class rank, I've been informed I won't be in the top ten. Which shouldn't be a travesty, but then I start finding myself inadequate. Maybe it's silly. My brain messes with me.

There are only about 180 students in my graduating class. Another journey into my history: this past year I was listed as a sophomore and in many freshman/sophomore classes due to the wonkiness of my credits. So while I will be a senior next year, technically I was a sophomore last year, and am on speaking terms with exactly zero people in my actual class. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration. I was in a Junior English class last year, and spoke to exactly two people on a regular basis. One actually seemed like a potentially cool person. She gave me play-doh once. The other was the on-and-off-again boyfriend of a (freshman) acquaintance-friend I had. He threatened suicide when she broke up with him. He chews chewing tobacco, wears a cowboy hat and admits to being a racist. I do not like him. Maybe this is judgmental. I reserve this right.

Teachers generally really like me. I do all the work, and let's be honest: it isn't always completely necessary to do all the work in my school. I could have skipped several assignments a semester and seen little to no difference. I could have blown some things off, with pretty good reason, as I was so utterly overwhelmed most of the time with all my work. But I didn't. I don't. I follow all of the rules. I say very little, and what I do say is occasionally witty. Notes from teachers in yearbooks are one of my favorite things. I haven't purchased a yearbook since eighth grade, but when I look through those that I do have, the inscriptions seem so nice and heartfelt. My peers aren't always very nice to me. Maybe they aren't especially rude--I mean, I don't talk enough for them to know much about me to make fun of. I do rock a "nerd" button on my lanyard and am forced to defend nerds on a vaguely regular basis, but I don't really mind this. It seems as if they are always either unfriendly or I don't want to be associated with them or both. And of course, I spent most of my time in computer labs or freshman/sophomore classes this past year.

I don't make friends easily. I've always moved a lot. I have trust issues. My dad is emotionally abusive. He left us two years ago and has rewritten history in his head as to make himself the victim in all of this. He still supports us, but we never know if there will be trouble. I never know when he will come back into my life. When he does, I fall apart and am left upset and confused and wishing. My mother, who was forced to leave her law career behind when my dad joined the Public Health Service around the time that I was born, has been working tirelessly towards becoming a teacher. But no one is hiring. She works so hard and I cannot fix it and it... I don't know. Maybe this all sounds very self-pitying. Maybe it is. I'm sorry for that. You definitely have your own troubles, and mine are probably only interesting to me.

I've become a lot more self aware since I started seeing my counselor. I cringe looking back at the brief journal I kept last September, at how deeply panicked every small thing made me. I still have a long way to go, but realizing just how much better off I am now emotionally gives me hope. I find hope very important. There are brighter days ahead, and all that. I believe it. Some days are worse than others, but I am very fortunate to have what I do. Even in the fact that my thoughts are so many and overwhelming, I am glad they exist. I enjoy them more now that I am able to realize just how many there are, and writing is one way I can align them in distinguishable ways.

In addition to acquiring and contemplating my grade point average, today I did laundry. Somehow I actually sort of enjoy this task. I also participated in the Great Jar Mother's "Camp Twitter" and moved more of my belongings around. Organizing my many possessions has proved a bigger task than I originally anticipated. Later I will spend some more time with VoldeTread. Is it possible that I'm actually enjoying exercise?! Two weeks ago I could not do a push-up. Now I can do three. I AM IMPROVING!


  1. It doesn't sound self-pitying at all. It sounds legitimate and honest.

    I love reading your blog. :)

  2. I agree with Manar completely. And a 3.9 GPA is great so don't beat yourself up over it! Also, I approve the name VoldeTread :)

  3. I'm sure it's frustrating to not be in the top 10 (with a 3.9?? holy crap, that's crazy! you must be VERY close to it), but you're smart so I'm sure you could still get accepted to tons of schools :)

    Students hostile toward nerds?? Grrr, high school :P Worry not! Student populations are much more diverse in college, so I am sure you will be able to find lots of nerds there.

    Your talking about your troubles does not seem self pitying at all! That is some really tough stuff to deal with, and I love that even though you have so much stuff to deal with on your own, you can still worry about how your mom is doing.

    Also, I am very jealous of your push up abilities. I need to start working out more >.>

    I hope things start looking more good than bad for you, dear! <3

  4. HEY. HI. HELLO.

    I know it's weird to show up and be all, "Holy canoli we are living the SAME LIFE." but...HOLY CANOLI, we are living the same life! Or, you know, a similar one.

    I would just like to say that I can completely empathize with 3.9 (an AWESOME gpa) not being good enough, with hating or not knowing all/most of your peers, with moving around because of the military and also with having an emotional abusive dad who ditches you, victimizes himself and refuses to just let you move on instead constantly inciting waves of panic and emotional trauma by showing up with more unexpected bullshittery. Yeah.

    It gets better! Sort of. It's never been exactly easy, for me. But it's not as bad now as it has been in the past. It's perfectly acceptable to have miserable "My Life Sux! Dramaz!" days. Acceptable and encouraged even, because sometimes it DOES suck and it IS miserable. And even if other people have worse situations...we can't apologize or feel guilty for feeling bad about our situations. Because reality is objective and we simply can't base our experiences off of another person's.

    Yes. This wasn't weird at all. xD

  5. I love reading this blog! Thank you!
