Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/29

It is about time that I ready myself for sleep. I sprawled on the couch with homemade pizza, a comfy blanket and a cheesy old movie for a bit, sleep a tempting fancy. Yet here I am a few moments later, writing for You. Grumble grumble. You're ruining my life.

Or something like that. That was a joke, mostly.

Now I sit here at ye old computer, yawning and racking my brain for Exciting Things to tell you. Today was another blah day. There are occurrences I could chatter about, in theory, but this would take brain power to churn out in a pleasing way. I mean, considering said happenings were not particularly sparkly or interesting.

I feel like I should tell you a story or something. The only things I can think of are pretty self-incriminating and mostly include flipping myself off in a mirror and then tripping over my own feet. True story. My counselor, upon hearing of Interesting Things on Friday: "God has a sense of humor, doesn't He?"



  1. "Blah" days are sometimes some of the best ones. It's nice to take a break from feeling like you really need to do anything :)

  2. I admire that you showed up for BEDA even when you didn't want to. I certainly did not succeed in that.
