Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/14

It has been ten minutes since I opened this tab to draft today's (utterly fantastic and sparkling) blog. Since then I have been sidetracked multiple times, culminating in the thought that "oh, I could sharpen my shiny new pencils. Then I realized: I must get Down To Business. This is unlikely to happen. My pencils are blue and "antimicrobial" and, following a tragedy involving my prized pencil sharpener from the British Museum and a highly destructive dog, I am again in the possession of a pencil sharpener with which to sharpen them. Oh, the possibilities.

This afternoon my kinfolk and I went out to lunch. We do this every Saturday, at the same hole-in-the-wall place we've frequented since we moved here two years ago. They're really nice and they have our orders memorized and it's just really cool and things. Today they were all in especially good moods, as the restaurant is going to close for a week so the owner can visit her family and give her son a last hurrah before school starts. Yes. School starts a week from Monday. Is it panic time yet? IS IT? Anyway, as a result of this regular occurrence my stomach decided to defy me. My stomach could really use a good talking to. Things are peachy for the moment, though.

My evening was spent staging the placement of stuff on a magnetic board thing I have, reading Frankenstein and standing really really ahhh still as my mom pinned clothes to alter for me.

Generally I would give you a blow by blow of these things. I'm sure I could, but I am suddenly feeling really burnt out about all of this. I'm in preliminary panic mode over school and just everything, and it isn't a pretty place to be in my head. The only thing I accomplished this summer was my organization project. The only strictly fun thing I did this summer was visit my aunt for a few days. Now I'm set to be launched back into the world of school and hysterics and now working and college and scary and scary and people I don't know and probably sleep deprivation. Taking it one thing at a time is so utterly difficult for me. If I ponder one thing it leads to another and before I know it I'm juggling fifteen worries at once, thinking "I need to fix all of this now. I need to fix all of this myself and I don't know how and I have no control and no certainty and I cannot handle this I cannot handle this what do I do."

So I think I'm going to go sharpen pencils now.


  1. Pencils are THE BEST. Writing utensils IN GENERAL are THE BEST.

    It's cool that you're a Regular at a restaurant. :)

    I am also sortakinda panicking about school starting soon. :/

  2. When you talked about your mom pinning your clothes, I just got an image of a Disney princess having someone pin a dress that was being made for them and it made me grin :D

    I'm getting a little frazzled about school starting up too, but also VERY EXCITED. Deep breaths, deep breaths! <3

  3. I hate mechanical pencils. I am a wooden pencil fiend. Huzzah for sharpeners!
