Monday, August 16, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/16

Okay, so what happened yesterday? I woke up, and we attempted to go to Sunday School in San Antonio, but our air tire pressure needed pressuring (I am so knowledgeable in the field of car studies) and the machine at the gas station was broken. So there went that, with forty five minutes eaten up by that journey. We went into San Antonio anyway, first visiting a Half Price Bookstore and then venturing to eat food. Following this we went to a/the museum we have a membership with and looked around for a while. Then we went home. This could be expressed much better, but I continue to have a lack of patience in my personal explanations. It was a good day, for the most part, but my befuddled thoughts (and, as I say, lack of patience) kept me from filling you in on this.

I'm attempting to keep busy. The magnetic board project a few days back is one such example of this. Today I sharpened all the pencils I could find while watching episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show, then removed everything from the bookcase in my bedroom and dusted. I've also been doing laundry (not my own this time, but the laundry of my fellow humans). My mood has been bouncing from one place to the other at a disjointed and unpredictable pace. I need things to do that don't have to do with the things I need to do. Maybe the window is small. My mom is also becoming increasingly aware of stuff I need to do re: college applications and keeps giving suggestions and ideas, but despite her good intentions I really cannot focus on that right now. If I think at all about stressful things I am launched into a pit of other stressful thoughts, and it is not a circle I want to actively participate in. Sure, I need to do stuff. I will do stuff. But not right now. The waiting, without answers, is not a happy place to be in.

It will be okay. I do believe it will be okay. I do I do I do. Somehow. But it's really stressful for me at the moment, to even consider considering. So. Is there anything I can do for you, readers? I am seeking out busy work. Would you be interested in letters? I could write you letters and, you know, mail them. I promise I'm not a stalker. It's up to you; that was just my first thought. I would love to write you letters, personally. I can't promise coherence, but I have very nice handwriting, so it would at least be something to gaze at. We could be intra-internet-snail-mail-pen-pals! Or something. This is obviously the best paragraph I have ever written.

I rediscovered a knitting project I started years ago just now. I'm not sure if I have enough yarn left to finish it into anything, but hey: busy work! I will be okay, despite all of the goings on in my head and in the "real world." But I'm going to go knit or find something else to do at the moment, as thinking is just sort of dangerous right now. I apologize for the lackluster quality of my blogs of late.


  1. I think ALL your blogs are awesome! -Hug Hug Hug- I love you,

  2. I know, college application stuff can be scary and stressful! I was nooot a big fan of it myself.

    Knitting project! Oooo - what are/were you making?

    Letter writing can be quite fun - a lot of times I find myself running out of things to say, but there is so much space for DOODLING and such :D

  3. Ohh letters, YES! I am a big fan of letter writing. I have a few friends who indulge me, and I am SO grateful for them, because I honesty don't think I would have survived being all alone and lonely in the Big Scary Freshman Dorms last year without having Paper Words to hold onto. It sounds dramatic, but SERIOUSLY. I still get so excited when I open the mailbox and find Things For Me that are not Snail-Mail-Spam. Do the letters!!! :D
