Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/17

Quickly, before my mood deflates! I hate to even say it, for fear the feeling will then implode, but today was a pretty good day. I woke up at about ten, showered and then visited with my mom in our extra room (VoldeTread's home) as she continued with alterations on my work clothes. She pinned most of them a few days ago, and is now on to fitting and sewing and generally being magical. I sat in there as she worked, knitted and chatted with my fantastic Facebook wife, Annie, via text message. We are so weird; it's a lot of fun. I ended up ripping out my work so far and starting again with my knitting project, as I don't have enough yarn to make what I first intended to. It will still be a scarf, just narrower. Fun! My mom taught me to knit when I was about ten, and while I have never completed a large project (I made my grandma a potholder once), I still think it's a lot of fun. At around two we dashed off to my appointment with my counselor. The schedule is weird for various reasons, so it had only been a few days, but this isn't really a problem. It went well. This process is helping me so much. I'm grateful. My head is a mess, but I can see progress I'm making, and it gives me hope.

This accomplished, we headed out, stopping on a whim at a nondescript restaurant nearby. It was pretty good. Maybe I mention food a lot here. It just feels notable, considering my shaky rapport with it in recent months. The waitress was really nice and it was cool and things. Then, with traffic evil and plotting our demise, we rushed over to a magic cosmetic land so a member of my brethren could inquire about something. As this was occurring I was lured into the clutches of a gorgeous bag, which I could use for school things (useful! purpose! excuse!), and the teacher of the Work Co-Op called me. Perching on a makeup stool and scribbling on an index card I have already used for two lists, I frantically took down information and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I've been waiting to hear from her since late June, but (as is logical) she was on vacation. Now I have tasks! I need to go to Personnel to set things up and attend a training (with other students working for the school district) on Friday with the teacher of the Work Co-Op. Also necessary would be to set up a bank account. You know, so they can pay me money. That's kind of a nice part. Now that I have things to do, and more certainty of moving forward, I feel much better. Still panicked, but better. Answers.

And I have a bag for my school stuff! It's so cute! My usual backpack is perfectly fine and keeping up well for its three years of use (my mom fixed it, even), but this one is so fun and cheerful. Sometimes cheerfulness is a nice pick-me-up. My old backpack is still very useful; I take it on trips and it has a laptop compartment, as well. But! It's so nice to have something new.

This is about all that's fit to report for the moment. I'm behind on my fellow BEDA buddies' blogs at this particular juncture, but I promise to catch up! See you then.


  1. Ah yes, knitting projects . . . sometimes they're almost more fun to work on than to complete. I've started so many projects, only to stop halfway and rip it all out to make something else.

    New cute bag excitement!! And cheerful is always good for that kind of thing :D

  2. I always wanted to learn how to knit! Unfortunately, I never made the effort to learn it. It sounds creative to say the least.

    Buying new stuff for school is always super exciting and fun! You should post up a picture of the new bag :D

  3. Erin: True! Getting back into it, I'm realizing just how enjoyable it it. Relaxing. :)

    Cute bag is cute. My excitement for it is... gleeful. Cheerful is nice.

    iisradxp: There are complicated bits to it, if you want to be particularly fancy, but the basic bits aren't too hard. But yes, getting up the will to learn can be difficult. I was lucky in the fact that my mom did it a lot and taught me. Probably forcibly, but I'm not true.

    And I may! It's so cute.

  4. Glad you are getting things figured out. And getting a new bag! =)

    About the Versatility Blogger thing: you basically just write 8 facts about yourself, except one is a lie. Your readers are supposed to guess which is the lie.

  5. Crafty Momsters are the best! I have always greatly enjoyed having a mother who is an excellent seamstress, chef, baker, craft lady, etc. She taught me how to knit, crochet and cross-stitch. I'll never EVER be as talented as she is...but I love all the amazing things she can do. And that she is patient enough to teach me, too.

    Also, I am in need of a new backpack! I've had the same one for AGES. There's nothing wrong with it, exactly, other than it is very flimsy, can't fit all of my books, hurts my back and is sort of falling apart. I mean, aside from those things. It's zebra printed!

    HUZZAH for the job! And setting up a bank account! I love seeing the direct deposit paycheck show up every month. I mean, now I love it because it means I can pay my rent...but it's still a smashing experience.

  6. Lol, I am also behind on reading blogs. xD
    Hence my commenting on this NOW, and not, you know, three days ago.

    I'm glad that things are looking good! :)
