Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/24

Today was a day. Second day of school and work. Work is going well, I think. School is school. The teacher who runs the work co-op program is helping me get my schedule fixed; if all goes as it should I will no longer be in a class with Dobbin, as I wasn't meant to be in the class in question in the first place. Thank goodness. Unless he's in Psychology, as well... in which case the irony will be a sight to behold.

I'm tired. Big day, and I haven't even been given homework yet. Fellow humans were yelling earlier and ahh. But the library is so fun. A few of my peers have been friendly to me. Actively ignoring Dobbin is a pain. I get all shaky and probably appear angry or something, though my attempt is to be stone cold. He is dead to me. Though, you know, not quite exactly in my head yet. Deep breaths, keep moving. Still very behind on the BEDAs of my buddies. Tired. Love you and things.


  1. I just realized I haven't commented your blog since I've been at school! *hangs head in shame*

    Also: <3 <3 <3

  2. Ohh, good plan! Distract yourself with the shiny library! I'm not even being facetious right now. I absolutely loved my senior year library job.

    I swear I'm not trying to totally creep your life, but there are so many similarities in situations and experiences that I can completely relate to. Maybe these things (ie, weird and complicated military families, stupid boys, senior years spent working in libraries, etc) are normal and average, but I like to think we're just sharing a special blogosphere connection here.
