Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blog Every Day August: 8/21

I again blog to you from the grand land that is our extra room, AKA VoldeTread's home. He has been ignored for many days now. If you never hear from me again it is probably because he has Avada Kedavra'd me. Just so you know. Also for the second time I am sprawled over two plastic chairs while my mother works extra fantastic magic on my work clothes.

Before we go any further, I feel it appropriate to mention that I was FORBIDDEN (-coughencouragedcough-) to direct you towards this photo of my Facebook wife's bra. Um. I am heterosexual. But our love IS REAL. Or something. This was her idea.

Today my mom, sister and I went into San Antonio. To get anything done, one must do this. We live in tiny town Texas. So. First we stopped at the military base to see about extending the warranty on my laptop, which we purchased there almost two years ago. They told us to call a number. Which will probably happen in the near future. Following this, we went to an awesome resale shop we have been to before. I dislike shopping. In fact, it usually makes me nauseated. But at this point my clothing situation is mostly sorted out, so looking wasn't as gruesome. I got a cute top and skirt. Also, my sister insisted on purchasing a ring I admired there for me. Because she is way too nice to me. It is gorgeous and ahh.

Now I am talking to my wife on the phone. The phone is resting on my stuffed hedgehog, Hermione, as my spouse relates to me a conversation she had with a friend composed completely of different intonations of the word "dude." Officially distracted. Oh, and I am no longer in the land of the extra room. Magic! Following our venture into the resale shop and another quite exciting store, we ate food. Food is nice. Then we came home! I spent time with Frankenstein, my required summer reading, and almost fell asleep at chapter nineteen. Then came Time Of Alterations. And this phone call.

Tomorrow, Sunday School. Monday, school. School. Work. School.


  1. Your wife seems wonderful. And her bra is very cute - I need to have more cute bras. Mine are boring. *random thought*
    At any rate, I am very glad to have met your wife via Twitter and am also glad that you're enjoying your conversation with her <3

  2. I went bra shopping yesterday, but was sadly unsuccessful. I hate the bra industry, because they seem to think that everyone wants bigger boobs. No. I do not thank you.

    Rant over. Try using expelliarmus to fend of murder attempts by Voldytread.

  3. Okay, I always KNEW there was an advantage to falling dreadfully behind on your Blog Reading. And that advantage is knowing that you were not AK'd by Voldetread, or if you were, you are able to blog in the afterlife, because there are lots of posts awaiting me. Win!

    I dislike shopping. I especially dislike clothes shopping. I just mis-typed that as clothes chopping, and really I feel like chopping things when I shop for clothes. Things such as my own head. I could just cleave it right off, and then never have to worry about undressing and redressing in curtained rooms searching for the perfect wardrobe. Bleh!

    I do like rings. A lot. And sweet sisters. And especially hedgehogs named Hermione.
