Monday, August 15, 2011

Blog Every Day August: 8/15

In some ways packing for college feels easier than packing for a short trip. The planning has been in stages of completion for months, yet when the rubber hits the road the process isn't as difficult as it was cracked up to be. But I still reserve judgement, as there are still days left in this. I suspect many a breakdown is to follow.

My anxiety levels have reached new lows in the past few days, nudged along by lengthy viewings of The Supersizers (care of the charming, witty and fantastic Lydia) and unknown forces. There's still much to do, but the unknown feels more manageable now that its qualities range on tangible. I suspect tomorrow's ride on the coaster will be different, but for the moment I have stopped shaking and no longer feel close to vomiting... so that's chipper.

On that note, please watch this. It's excellent; I'm obsessed.

Days until college: 6


  1. It's seriously SO good! HOW is it so good??

    Funny, isn't it? That the anticipation is ALWAYS worse (more intense at least) than the actual event?

  2. You know, the rubber is technically always on the road, it's not like your mom's car gets lifted up off the pavement at night. Odd expression, that. Unless you literally mean THE ROAD as opposed to the driveway or what have you.

    I might watch that video now.

  3. It's so hard to believe that IT'S FINALLY ALMOST HERE. But at the same time, each day seems to be taking a million years.

    I watched the first couple of minutes of that video and mostly just experienced terror. #foodcanbescary

    I love you! :)
