Monday, August 1, 2011

Blog Every Day August: 8/1

The days collapse into one another painstakingly and as quietly as if they never existed. I am surrounded by the unwritten; all things notable seem somehow too secret, scary and sensitive to voice. I tread around them carefully, afraid my very touch will make them immediately real. Words are difficult: each one stings a little as I pry it from the recesses of my consciousness. I almost want to stop fighting for them.

Yet it is now more than ever that I require the anchoring power I once found in words.

Welcome to Blog Every Day August, friends.


  1. I AM THE WORST. I miss your blog, and it's all my fault because there are posts to be read and I'm SUPER behind on EVERYTHING. Also, I wrote you a letter that day I promised I would but it's SO BAD I cannot send it. I SWEAR YOU WILL HAVE A WONDERFUL VERSION SOON.

    YAY, BEDA.

  2. YAY. I am glad that I get the ~honor~ and ~privilege~ to be treated to your beautiful words EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH. :)

    And, I am sorry to inform you that I am not going to be doing BEDA with you this August, because I am so BUSY, but I will blog FREQUENTLY, so do not worry.

    I LOVE YOU. <3
